Donald J. Trump signed
Executive Order 13769 on January 27, 2017, and it was entitled “Protecting the
Nation from Foreign Terrorist entry into the United States.” This hastily
written, ill-conceived fiat was intended to limit the entry of refugees from
certain nations into the United States. Before it was derailed in the courts, it caused undue and unnecessary
consternation among immigrants, civil rights advocates, and a multitude of
ordinary Americans who believed that our government was a fair and just one.
Less than eleven weeks after
the Imperial Nation of Japan deliberately attacked the naval base at Pearl
Harbor on December 7, 1941, then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s issued
Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, ‘Authorizing the Secretary of War to
Prescribe Military Areas.”
The Order’s alleged purpose
was to protect the nation against attack from within by Japanese Americans
living in the West. In order to do so, it sought to place 120,000 Japanese
Americans in ten camps in isolated and desolated areas in seven Western states.
Like Trump’s misguided and misdirected effort, that, too, was a questionable
Executive Order since 62 percent of all Japanese Americans were citizens of the
USA. After the war ended, there was no evidence that any of them had committed
a crime against their country.
Trump’s action was an
endeavor to please his base by fulfilling a campaign promise to protect
Americans from ”them.” FDR attempted to appease citizens who disliked and were
fearful of “outsiders,” and wanted to protect citizens from their enemy. He,
like Trump today with his “every-Muslim-is-a-threat” warning, did not outwardly
discern the difference to naïve Americans between a Japanese American citizen,
and the Japanese Imperial enemy.
Are our citizens better
informed now than then, or are too many still susceptible to whatever they are
told by those in power to support their prejudices and misguided beliefs?
In 1942, with the start of
World War II, a fearful US citizenry wanted reassurance that their country
would be protected, and very few stood up against FDR’s benign racial
proclamation. As such, the isolation and imprisonment of Japanese Americans was
too readily accepted as a rational and essential action. Even many Japanese who
read the declarations and posters proclaiming the necessity of removing their
people away from the West Coast, too readily accepted the illegal order.
Dissidents and “troublemakers”
who protested too much and too loudly, ended being incarcerated in separate
camps, such as Tule Lake War Relocation Center in Northern California. Jimi Yamaichi spent time there during the war,
and has helped lead some of the twelve pilgrimages that have taken place there
since 1995. It is a way to educate the younger generations, and remind the
older ones of what took place.
Jimi is one of many Japanese
Americans that stay active in speaking to outside groups, against hatred of
anyone different including Muslims, and in working at the Japanese American
Museum in San Jose.
When I taught a class at San
Jose State on the American media coverage of the Internment and the Holocaust
during World War II, Jimi was one of my regular, classroom speakers, as was
Katsumi Hikido. Kats is a young ninety-two-year-old, who fought and was
seriously wounded in Italy as a member of a segregated Japanese-American
fighting unit during the Second World War. His wife Alice, was taken with her
family from their homes and businesses in Juneau, Alaska, and incarcerated in
the Minidoka Relocation Center in an isolated section of Southwest Idaho.
Jimi’s wife Eiko, now in her nineties, was also imprisoned at three
different camps.
Both couples are dear
friends, and we recently celebrated life and birthdays with lunch in San Jose’s
Japan Town. Kats and I were born on the same day, but years and experiences
In these uneven and uncertain
times, we need to be acutely aware of injustices perpetrated against any
individual or group. Then we should take meaningful action to reduce or
eliminate the injustice, while we still have the opportunity to do so.